Créez Des Jeux Avec Une IA Gratuitement (Test de Claude 3.5 Sonnet)

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Après la génération d’images ou de vidéos, les IA permettent maintenant de générer des jeux. C’est possible grâce à Claude 3.5 Sonnet, qui va générer le code (HTML, CSS, Javascript…) et exécuter le jeu directement dans le navigateur.
Il est aussi possible de copier le code pour le lancer sur son PC ou l’héberger en ligne, pour l’améliorer ou pour ajouter des images externes.


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► LES PROMPTS (En Anglais)

Jeu Snake
Can you help me build a game that I can run in my browser? It would be a snake game, where the snake gets longer every time it swallows a block. The user can control the snake with the arrow keys. The score will be the number of blocks the snake has swallowed. The game will stop if the snakes touches itself. Make the snake green, and the blocks white.

Jeu de mémorisation de cartes
Can you help me build a game that I can run in my browser?It would be a memory card game. The board will contain 4 x 4 = 16 cards (8 pairs from different colors). The user can click on two cards. The two cards are revealed, and they will disappear if they are the same. If not, they are reversed and the user needs to click on two other cards. The user wins if he can find all the pairs and there are no cards left. The user has 30 seconds to find all the pairs, and the game will stop after these 30 seconds.

Jeu de fusée qui doit éviter des météorites
Can you help me build a game that I can run in my browser? It would be about a rocket flying into space. Several meteorites will appear and move towards the rocket. The user can move the rocket left and right with its mouse. The user will get one point per meteorite avoided. The game will stop if the rocket touches a meteorite. Use a nice red and white sprite for the rocket, and a black background to represent space. Don’t use external images.